The Finlay Donovan roller coaster ride!

Finlay Donovan Knocks ‘Em Dead (Finlay Donovan #2) by Elle Cosimano 


The opening lines of Knock ‘Em Dead had me; full bottled and instantaneously—Had Me! 
Down the rabbit hole I dived, loving every heart stopping, often hilarious, moment. From the phrase, “Christopher was dead,” I was taken, not by aliens, but by the absurdity of it all. I am so captivated by this messy, very relatable, absolutely likeable, Finlay Donovan.
Talk about fiction imitating life, imitating fiction. I swear Finlay Donovan rom com mysteries are like a set of Russian dolls. Always as one problem is unpacked, another kernel of the situation is revealed, only to leave you with the nagging doubt that something is missing from the equation, and is going to completely roll Finlay is up if she’s not careful. She’s so close to a train wreck! It’s just plain uncanny that there’s not more damage, although what there is, is more than adequate. I’m not sure that friend and minder Vero is a help or a hindrance.
Who is Finlay Donovan you ask?
Well then, (not in any order) she’s a writer, single mom, ex wife of a hopeless womaniser, investigator, cougar (Wow!), criminal, adorable date, ditzy dame who falls from one situation into another, staunch friend, sister (of an FBI agent), daughter of loving parents, and that’s just for starters.
So Finlay continues to have problems with ex husband Steve. Not only that, it seems someone’s put out a contract on him and now Finlay and Vero find themselves trying to protect him, keep the kids safe and find out who’s behind the Mom Chat website, the place that fed up women go to get rid permanently of the men who’ve done them wrong.
A bombing, a near miss shooting, the emergence of the Crime Boss, Feliks Zhirov, into Finlay’s life, not to mention the hot lawyer Julian, and the hunky FBI agent Nicholas add to the color and excitement.
Oh, and all the while Finlay’s agent is wanting novel updates. Which seem to ride pretty closely to Finlay’s lived experiences.
Zany, unpredictable and thoroughly enjoyable, somewhat exhausting, read. Forget five stars this is more like a twenty five stars happenstance!

St. Martin's Press ARC via NetGalley 
Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change


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