Reckless is the key!

A Reckless Match (Ruthless Rivals #1) by Kate Bateman          


Welsh Clan Davies and the English family, the Montgomery’s had been feuding for centuries over…a stolen pig?…or maybe a stolen woman? No matter it’s so far back in time the root cause has been forgotten,  although the dissension  lives on. Oh, and then there’s the ‘no man’s’ strip of land either side of the river which is the boundary between the two factions, as decreed by King Henry VII. He was exasperated by the whole sorry mess being played out on the border country of Wales and England. Talk about the Capulets and Montagues! Or to Henry’s mind, the Medici’s and the Borgia’s.
Each year on the spring equinox, a representative of the families must meet on the narrow bridge spanning the river and shake hands. Failure to appear means that strip of land is forfeited by the family who fails to turn up for the occasion.
In this year of 1815 Madeline Montgomery is her family’s representative. The end of the time specified is approaching and no Davies has appeared. Just as she’s about to metaphorically dance a victory jig,  the rogue and her childhood tormentor Gwf Davies rides over the hill.
Gwf is back in Wales taking a rest from Prinny’s gaze. He’s just been involved in a duel. Prinny does not approve!
Meanwhile Maddie is trying to bring the family fortunes around. And yes that much discussed strip of land is involved.
There’s a cast of interesting characters including two wicked and eccentric aunts. Always dropping rather charged comments. I loved them!
Off to stage left, or is it right? are a couple of interesting relationships that bear watching. 
The story has it all—feuding lead characters smouldering with desire, adventure, near death experiences, hidden treasure (sort of), miles of caves (I felt the walls closing in) and mystery.
Quite a lot is happens, with some rather comic moments.  Amusing remenicents bring a lighter note to the heaving, electric emotions that charge the atmosphere between our two lead characters. Their struggles to fight that attraction of course just increases tensions, and leads to some rather steamy interplay. 
However resolution of land use problems and Maddie’s financial situation is not clear and the road ahead is somewhat rocky.
An easy, fun read!

A St. Martin's Press ARC via NetGalley 


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