Renewed vision!

Artists in Residence: Seventeen Artists and Their Living Spaces, from Giverny to Casa Azul by Melissa Wyse, Illustrated by Kate Lewis ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What a great idea! Looking at various artists’ residences. I know similar books have been published but I just really did enjoy this “seeing” through a different lens. Although reading this reminded me that I’d missed visiting Monet’s Giverny years ago due to it being closed for the season. Sigh! Something I’ve had a lingering regret about over the years. Kate Lewis is to be congratulated on her extraordinary illustrations. She brought the artists’ homes alive. Her illustrative exploration deepened the book’s aesthetic experience for us. What a wonderful way to research! And then, Melissa Wyse’s very different investigative method over the years, of filling notebooks with descriptive prose about those residences! Only for the two to so serendipitously meet at an ‘artists in residence” enclave! Brilliant! Aspects the described homes...