Chance encounter!

Loved by the Lyon (The Lyon's Den) by Collette Cameron    


Our hero needs an heiress, the heiress needs a hero. Ye old 'marriage of convenience' trope works nicely here. Vanessa Becket makes her way to the Lyon's Den looking to find out if her despicable step brother, Owen Elligon, has stolen her sapphire heirloom brooch for a gambling stake in this gambling hell. Kingston Barclay, heir to a dukedom has made an appointment with the Black Widow of Whitehall to broker an arranged marriage to ensure funds to provide for his siblings and put his estate in order.
Barclay was injured in an explosion during the Battle of Waterloo that killed his best friend, and Vanessa's brother Gabriel. His survivor's guilt has frozen him into inaction with regards his responsibilities.
I don't need to go any further, I'm sure you can read between the lines.
There are challenges and some altogether too knowing glances from the younger Barclay sisters.
A pleasant short read, with some threads that could have been pulled tighter. 

A Dragonblade ARC via NetGalley 


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