Intriguing continuation of the Below Stairs mysteries!

Murder in the East End (A Below Stairs Mystery #4)
by Jennifer Ashley          

Missing children, a nurse's disappearance, and a foundling home at the center of these troubles. This was an exciting addition to the addictive Victorian mystery series
with the intrepid cook Kat Holloway again being drawn into ongoing conundrums. Daniel McAdam of course involves Kat in these investigations. Apparently the Foundling Hospital doesn't want to notify the police as any rumors might affect their funding. Embroiled in this is someone from Daniel's past. And a little more light is cast on Daniel's checkered background. He's just that little more visible. No longer the shadowy figure of mystery. His outline is being given form.
I like the way Ashley has us discovering more about the lives of Daniel and Kat, as their pasts impact the now. The series unfurls rather like a fiddle fern revealing a little more each time.
We're also privy to more information about those Upstairs. Lady Cynthia is her normal vibrant self, still trying to ward off her aunt's unwanted match making.
Then there's the painter Miss Townsend who's a somewhat enigmatic character, quietly competent, and I feel, a bit of a game changer.
There's a fleeting chilling glance at a character who seems cast in ice and iron, someone I feel sure we'll see in future developments, someone that neither Kat nor I care to be involved with.
I found myself really involved in this particular mystery, more so than in previous ones.

A Berkley ARC via NetGalley



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