Jewel thief for a higher cause!

To Catch an Earl (Bow Street Bachelors #2) by Kate Bateman       

Bow Street Inquiry agent Alex Harland, the Earl of Melton, is struck by a perfume he can never forget. I must admit this idea of a perfume being the secret to the identity of a thief is not new. This of course I s a huge flaw in an otherwise successful thief's armour. (And really even though this is the hook for unravelling the mystery from Alex's viewpoint, I just felt Emmy's determination to wear a distinctive perfume just doesn't sit well over against the clever woman she is supposed to be. I guess I wasn't buying the premise.)
'Emmeline Louise d’Anvers, the daughter of Europe’s most elusive jewel thief', aka as Nightjar, herself a notorious jewel thief is fulfilling a family commitment 'to recover the French crown jewels and store them until the Bourbon monarchy can claim them. The stolen jewels that have all been broken from the stolen crown one by one and refashioned into other stunning settings. Can one be accused of stealing that in itself is already stolen? All the jewels have been re-taken, excepting three—a white diamond, a blue diamond, and a ruby.
Alex, a consummate rake was enticed, maddened and besotted with Emmy. He knew she was the jewel thief but catching her presented him with a gigantic headache.
Alex surprised himself by the hunger he felt for her. An emotion returned. (Despite those kisses that left them both senseless, I wasn't feeling the lurve. Still I loved the idea of senselessness!) 
Emmy knew that Alex was aware of her escapades.  She wants to stop. Unfortunately it becomes apparent that the son of an acquaintance of her father's is now blackmailing the Danvers family to continue the thefts and they can see no way out without being exposed.
The future shows no promise. Danger and exposure surrounds the family. There appears there is no alternative but to follow the blackmailer's demands. The last of the stones must be retrieved. Alex and Emmy's relationship and the d’Anvers family seem doomed!
A lightweight romantic regency jewel thief mystery that brings a slightly different take to that genre.

A St. Martin's Press ARC via NetGalley 



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