Dangerous persistence!

Midnight on the River Grey by Abigail Wilson      

A young woman who has fears of descending into madness like her mother, a dead older brother, a mysterious guardian, a supportive aunt and a rather cute small dog all figure in this Regency mystery.
Things come together when Rebecca Hunter is forced to leave London to stay with her now guardian Mr. Lewis Browning at the large and inhospitable Greybourne Hall.
It appears that in this supposedly safe place, death doesn't stop with Rebecca's brother, Jacob. Just after her arrival, a friend of Lewis' is found dead under the bridge nearly in the same spot as Jacob was discovered. Couple that with, rumors about Lewis' clandestine moonlight rides are doing the rounds of the village. (Rebecca has witnessed evidence of these). The talk is so strong that the locals call Lewis the Midnight Devil.
Then there's the widow of Lewis brother, Isabell, her rakish brother Adam who leave in the Dowager residence and the neighbor Mr. Galpin. All seem to wander into the hall without a by your leave, but it's Mr. Galpin in particular who sets Rebecca's teeth on edge.
Rebecca is determined not to be forced into any marriage and to find the real cause or perpetrator of her brother's death. Lewis is her main culprit as he has accepted responsibility for having, in the darkness of the night, knocked Jacob off the bridge when his horse collided with him. However it is all somewhat hazy, especially as Lewis can barely recall any of what happened.
As Rebecca's questions increase Lewis has a running joke about her being a badger in her pursuit of various answers. And as Rebecca says, “Well, what else do badgers do, but dig?”
A most unexpected and enjoyable read, with a storyline that had me guessing up until the near end.

A Thomas Nelson ARC via NetGalley



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