Fun Regency romance!

I'll Always Love You (The Worthingtons #5.5) by Ella Quinn  


A most enjoyable novella that focuses on Gerald, Earl Elliott. We've met him as the secondary character in previous Worthington novels.
Lady Lucinda Hughlot, sister to Lord Elliott's friend the Duke of Rothwell, is to have a season, not that her mother agrees or wants her to for various reasons. Elliott falls in with Rothwell's request to keep an eye on Lucinda and watch out for any suitors not up to snuff. Of course you don't have to be a soothsayer to guess what happens. The getting to the happening though is rather fun. Lucinda is quite a talented woman and Elliott finds himself in an unexpected position.
What no-one knows is that Lucinda's mother has already made plans for whom Lucinda should marry, the Marquis of Quorndon, a friend's son. I rather like Quorndon, even more so when Lucinda lends him a hand towards a different result.
Thankfully Lucinda is not only able to weave her way through her problems, but she has plans to assist with her newly acquired debutante friend's problems as well. No down trodden daughter our Lucinda, rather a managing young woman with a mind of her own--fortunately!
Meanwhile Elliot's mother is doing all she can to get her son married. When we later discover the lengths she's gone to its all rather hilarious.
A NetGalley ARC



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