As always--Riveting!

The Privilege of Peace (Peacekeeper #3, Confederation #8) 
by Tanya Huff


Plastic data sheets, rogue Silsviss, the presence of the much disliked and inept commander General Morris, Warden Torin , Craig and the rest of the Strike team have their hands full with new developments that bring up old challenges. Devious plans are being hatched by the Humans First fanatics. The finding of data sheets similar to the plastic from before has everyone including the elder race, the H'san on edge. 
After Warden Torin's  Strike Team's last mission, where information about the H'san and their ancient, deeply hidden weapons cache, Torin's trust of them has devolved even further. 
"The H’san were the Eldest of the Elder Races. They sang to the dawn. They loved cheese. For most of the Confederation, that was enough." But not for Torin!
Presit of course becomes involved and with all theses free wheeling, loose cannons the stakes just became higher.
I love the interplay between Torin and the rest of her crew, the way she reads a situation, and her easy acceptance of those who are different. Her understanding of the different races is shrewd and most often compassionate, except where fools abound.
Another great ex Gunnery Sergeant, now Warden Torin happening!

A NetGalley ARC



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