Solid read. Intriguing and enjoyable!


A story that sparkles 'the whole night through' and beyond.
Spiced with two great lead characters, Jones a man of secrets and action, a spy extraordinaire from the harsh humble beginnings of the Rookeries and now in service to the Crown. A spy's spy who hunts traitorous agents. Jones has to in his sights Lord Wycomb, a coldly efficient master of the art. Which leads Jones straight to Baroness Cat Ashdown. 
Cat has found herself 'wedged between the trustees, her uncle, the estate, and the husband she would soon [be forced to wed]. [It seemed] whatever happened she couldn't win.' 
Cat 'had trained to be Mary Elizabeth Frances Catherine Ashdown, 13th Baroness of Worthington. Fought to prove she could carry on the legacy of the first Mary Elizabeth Frances Ashdown, who had been granted the barony five hundred years earlier. Fought and lost' it would appear. But Cat was not going down without a fight!
Cat though is determined to find someway to win, to regain charge of her inheritance and escape her uncle's plan to marry her off to a man not to her liking. Cat wants is to be able to govern her lands independently, her uncle wants something entirely different.
Hence Cat and Jones' first meeting in a darkened study under a desk that they are both trying to break into is both hilarious and suspenseful.
Cat is more than she seems--brave, loyal, feisty, strong and fearless. Jones is a complex character, honorable and true. Be still my beating heart. The sparks fly when these two engage in a joust royal that captured me right from the start. Not to mention the plot twists and turns.

A NetGalley ARC



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