Beware of things unseen!

Booke of the Hidden (Booke of the Hidden #1) by Jeri Westerson This was so not what I expected. It was a crazy, wild ride and such a departure for Westerson. (And to think she dreamt about the major elements of the story--amazing--ah the subconscious!) A new entry into the urban paranormal genre complete with a mild mannered Wiccan group, a woman escaping a bad relationship who flees from California to Maine. Was she summoned or was it all just coincidence? Right! What do you do when you break down a brick wall in your new abode and find a musty old book. You open it and summon ... things that go beyond the wildest imagination for Kylie Strange. I loved the magical cross bow. I loved the demon (not quite the daemon lover of Scottish fame) or whatever Mr. Erasmus Dark might be. The quips Kylie directs at him are...