Treason and true love!

The tale of two innocents really with a whole lot of feelings and not really knowing what to do with them. Well that changes somewhat (thanks to the 'French' pamphlet) Captain!Lady Magdalen Keith, the illegitimate daughter of a consummate Jacobite, the Earl Marischal of Scotland, has raced to London to try to free her father from the Tower. Although a representative of Aberdeenshire in the new British Parliament, the Earl was arrested after Prince James' abortive attempt to land his armada at the Firth of Forth.
Navy lieutenant Lord Aiden Murray is commander of a Scottish vessel that has been enfolded into the English navy. He's a virgin and wants to put that part of his life to rest. Aiden and Maddie originally meet at a masquerade at her father's castle in Stonehaven.
Between trying ro rescue Maddie's father, hiding their Jacobite leanings, and court intrigue in the guise  of a delectable widowed countess, things become very active--almost too so. 
A slow start, the story picked up and had some 'on the edge of your seat' moments as Aiden  and Maddie flee into the highlands.

A NetGalley ARC



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