Oh Yes! Say Yes!

Say yes to the Scot: A Highland Wedding Box Set by May McGoldrick, Sabrina York, Lecia Cornwall and Anna Harrington  

A great collection of historical highlander novellas that combine to make an arresting and oftentimes humorous read.

Opening story is an enchanted love story complete with a heroine who is always becoming lost and a hero who has hard choices to make. A cleverly enticing story somewhere between A Midsummer's Night Dream and Outlander without the time travel.

A MATCH MADE IN HEATHER by Anna Harrington
Ok clever title!
1809-1819 Ten years pass. A lot can happen in that time ... And it does! Spurned by 'The only woman he’d ever loved and wanted to marry,' Garrick Townsend found himself face to face with Arabel Rowland, with years of loss and vengeance between them. If only the Heather could talk.

1484 Elizabeth Hay had been contracted to marry Macpherson of Benmore Castle, the Black Cat of the Highlands, for more than five years. Now she wanted out of that contract with the Highland Lord, little more than a pirate. Fate and floods and the interference of a Queen might help put paid to the betrothal--or not? This is the prequel to the Macpherson Clan saga. 

THE SCOT SAYS I DO by Sabrina York
A youthful romance left both parties with unresolved angst and disappointments. Years later Duncan and Catherine meet again. This time the stakes have upped. Cat finds herself desperate to save her brother from debtor's prison. Will Cat choose the solution from the man who spurned her so long ago or seek another path?

A NetGalley ARC

**** 1/2


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