Absolutely delightful!

Georgette Frost is a delightful force of nature. Lord Hugo Starling thinks he's rescuing her from a hare brained plot to try to find the gold sovereigns stolen from the Royal Mint. What he's doing is miring himself even more deeply in her scheme.
Georgette's world turns upside down when she reaches twenty-one, which is very soon. She plans to find her brother Benedict and the gold and start a new and glorious life. Benedict we met in Fortune Favors the Wicked. 
Boarding a coach disguised as a boy is quite in order.  As an avid reader Georgette knows that, 'Many the blue-blooded heroine of a conte de fée had disguised herself to escape the cruel predations of a wicked relative'. Not that Georgette had wicked relatives, perhaps more unthinking. And now here is Hugo annoyingly overturning her plans. However, never daunted, Georgette leads the way, despite the Bow Street runner who seems to be keeping in step with them.
So begins a journey of humor, deceit, surprise and danger.
One of my favorite lines between Georgette and Hugo was when discussing the meaning of love, comprises of 'putting down a book for one’s companion when one only wants to read. That is love indeed!'
An enjoyable romp, made even more so by the frisson and wonderful repartee between Georgette and Hugo.

A NetGalley ARC



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