Glued to the page! Again!

Once more I was absorbed by this next in the Elantra Chronicles. Once again, where Private Kaylin Neda is trouble surely follows--or precedes, it's a moot point and a truism! 
This time we see more of the Aerians and Sergeant Moran dar Carafel in particular. The injured Moran is now residing with Kaylin, along with the rescued Barranis and the dragon Bellusdeo. When Moran is attacked, Kaylin comes in for some shocks.
Shadow makes its appearance once again, and it's form appears changed. 
The two Bararranis residing with Kaylin (one, Annarion is Nightshade's brother) are still coming to terms with coming into the now from their entrapped state.
Bellusdeo is the same feisty female dragon.
Kaylin is her wild and wonderful caring self who rushes in where others fear to tread. In Cast in Flight her thoughts and awe of the Aerians takes a different turn. Alongside Kaylin, we learn more about them.
The complicated relationships and cultural behaviours and norms amongst the varying races that inhabit Elantra keep me coming back for more, along with the fabulous character that is Kaylin.
Sagara keeps injecting a wonderful humanity into Kaylin that's captivating in its simplicity and complexity at the same time. The cross cultural attempts of understanding that Kaylin always come up against, the fact that similarities don't always equate with understandings is fascinating. As is the fact that mostly the various races, or at least their leaders, forgive Kaylin because they know her heart always wants to believe the best, and because of the great service she has so often given them. Kaylin is after all imbued with magic symbols on her arms that has some suspicious of her, and others grateful. After all, Kaylin is the Chosen. And she's still coming to terms with what that means.
Kaylin's relationship with Nightshade is always present like his sigil on her cheek. Although Nightshade is somewhat in the background here, occupied as he is with the return of his brother Annarion.
We do see a little more of the Dragon Emperor. His relationship with Bellusdeo is becoming more complicated--at least for me.
Severn is as always, quietly by Kaylin's side. Steady, dependable and to my mind, mysterious.
Once again Sagara's philosophizing via Kaylin is striking. 
Another not to be missed addition to Sagara's engaging world.

A NetGalley ARC



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