...a surprising finale

I was expecting something different from the Duke of Ravenwood's story. I didn't expect him to find himself in a situation where he must do the 'honourable' thing, much less with a woman who regards him as so much less than what he really is. A woman he views as a hoyden and totally suspect. I also am stymied as to why his sister, Lady Amelia, pushed him to hold a social function when she knows that this is the very thing he hates.
I also must confess that after my first stirrings of anger with Miss Katherine Ross, the woman who will turn Ravenwood's life upside down, I started to empathize with her.
Katherine lives for her artistic endeavours and museum collections, Ravenswood for acting as he is supposed to--guiding the members of the House of Lords down the proper avenues.
These two unlikely people have a not too enticing future if both simply glare at each other's differences.
But when finally the Duke lets loose his poetic soul behind the cold upright facade, we do indeed see his passion and his soul. As Katherine reflects, 'This kiss was because she saw him. Saw him in the peonies and the cherry tress, in the Ivy and the twisting branches.'  Ah, be still my beating heart!
I did feel that the loose ends were not tied up quite properly. Katherine's fears of childbirth were not adequately addressed on stage between her and Ravenswood.
A pleasing story once I'd overcome my initial, and I must admit, shocked reactions.

A NetGalley ARC



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