An ornithologist's guide to women of the Ton.

To Catch a Rake (The Rake's Handbook) by Sally Orr

A difficult read because I didn't like the premise--a rake, George Drexel (who seems anything but) has written a field guide to women that's damning in it's rating of women and in the majority of women's fascination by it. Unfortunately, when Meta's sister's fiancé decided that Lily is mentioned in the book he jilts her. Lily decides she doesn't want him back. Sensible girl! Who knows what he's capable of if he's going to believe that drivel, and be so influenced by his mother. Lucky escape! 
Widowed Meta, the main female protagonists was doing all she could to turn things around. George Drexel however is another story, and Meta finds there's more to him than she first thought.
The thing is that George is a talented engineer and the best parts of the novel are his enthusiasm for things mechanical and the descriptions of the Thames tunnel being drilled. That part, I really enjoyed, and his kindness towards Meta's younger brother Fitzy who wants to be an artist.
I wasn't as engaged as I wanted to be.

A NetGalley ARC



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