Another Perry winner!

Corridors of the Night: A William Monk Novel (William Monk #21) by Anne Perry

This story does indeed begin in the 'corridors of night' when Hester discovers a young child traversing the hospital corridors looking for help for her brother.
Another complex Perry plot evolving around the selling of children, kidnapping, medical experiments and related ethics, and of course betrayal and murder, that is  centred around the stalwart Monk and Hester.
A daughter is betrayed, and Monk is betrayed by someone from his past.
This is Hester's story though and the tragedy and betrayal  that Monk is part of seems to slip into the background as Hester's plight is brought to the fore.
Responding to a friends request to cover her night dirty times at a local hospital, Hester is unwittingly drawn into a plot involving medical experimentations with blood transfusions, using unwilling young children. When it is known that Hester has uncovered their transgressions, Hester is kidnapped by those involved and taken away where her nursing skills are used to help illegal experimentation.
To save herself and the children Hester must acquiesce, always knowing that at some stage they all will be killed. They know too much.
The conundrum for Hester is that she can seem the marvellous advantages if transfusion can work however the price is condoning this illegal research and the use tigons that surround it. The forcible acquisition of the children's blood, the rate of taking it, the treatment of the children,  and the ethical questions around unsanctioned medical experimentation.
Monk and Scruff, along with others of their close knit group race against time to find Hester and the children and rescue them.
I did love it when Scruff has the chance to minister to Hester out of his experiences to. An awesome moment. But then this story, just as others in the series have been, is filled with these sort of illuminations that highlight tender, and yes often the not so tender, moments of human behaviour
Further twists and turns, including Oliver as a participant in the court case add to the drama.
The corridor metaphor evokes thoughts of a barely illuminated, echoing dark chasm that medical practices and personal desires can so easily turn down. The corridor of medical history so often traversed.
Another great walk with Hester and Monk through their worlds

A NetGalley ARC



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