...riveting and soulful!

The Secrets She Keeps: A Novel by Deb Caletti  

A truly poetic reflection of life, love, marriage and it's challenges.
Poetic in descriptions of Nevada, in the many aspects of the interaction between the women portrayed and their situations, and Callie's interaction with the mustangs. 
At first I wondered what I had wandered into. The more I read, the more I became immersed in the changing stories of a younger Nash, Callie McBride her niece and then Nash as the elderly quixotic ranch owner. Not just any ranch, but a divorce ranch of the 50's. This was fascinating stuff! 
Callie's call from her mother to investigate what's going on with her Aunt Nash becomes the catalyst for Callie's leaving of her husband. At the ranch Callie comes face to face with what has been happening or not, in her married life. 
And then there's the mustangs! Callie may have wanted to capture them on camera, Canetti certainly captured them with words. The symbolic hues of the mustangs are many throughout this interesting story.
I loved this description of them, a description that segues into other happenings.
'...their eyes were manic and their tales stringy. They were an entire street corner of scary men shouting that the end of the world was coming. They were beautiful and dirty, alluring and repelling, a reminder that nothing is ever one thing, as much as you wish it.'
The connection between Callie and Kit, the Forest Protection Officer is a beautiful momentary thing, a growth experience, a meeting of souls if you will. Two people crossing paths at significant moments.
The novel is chock full of wonderful reflections on life and wants and the journey of marriage. A definite winner!

A NetGalley ARC



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