Regency romance on the X rated side.

The Scoundrel's Lover (The Notorious Flynns #2) by Jess Michaels 

Afternoon tea and meaningless conversations or salacious desires and heady jasmine scents? The relationship drawn between what is respectable and acceptable and what is not. Annabelle Flynn must chose between the respectability of a disengaged Society marriage or the call of her wild side, the call of her Flynn-dom. The Flynn's, a by-word for Society's view of disrespect-ability. Can Annabella escape this? Does she really want to escape this? It seems like nature and nurture combine to confine her. The dark desires and lust explored, the impetus towards scandal, the voyeurism that tantalizes and draws Annabelle into that forbidden side are always at the forefront, despite her best intentions. I feel like I'm looking at a potential Elizabeth Bennett overcome by an Anna Steele doppelgänger. What  started as Annabelle's rescue of her broken brother Crispin from himself at the notorious Donville Masquerade hell club run by the electrifying Marcus Rivers, turns into Annabelle's being drawn like a moth to the flame into excitement and illicit sexual activities, with Marcus as the focus of all that titillating addictive fascination that overtakes her.  
Annabelle and Flynn are both fascinating characters. They have real stories but their sexual proclivities tend to drown out those stories. To marry for respectability and renounce your family or to pursue the not so hidden passion filled desires of your heart and remain true to those you love is the thrust of the storyline. If the erotic historical is your forte then this suits. I did feel somewhat ambushed.  I have read other Jess Michaels work but I wasn't quite expecting this level of explicitness. This is darker than the previous titles.

A NetGalley ARC


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