An unexpected treasure!

Secret of a Thousand Beauties by Mingmei Yip China in the 1930's. Spring Swallow, fated to be a 'bad luck' woman, is clear sighted and determined. Promised in marriage whilst in the womb she is later married to the ghost of her groom, or a chicken depending on your point of view. As a young girl Spring Swallow escapes her life of predetermined drudgery on her ghostly wedding day and flees to the city of Soochow. She finds herself by chance rather than plan being trained in embroidery by Aunt Peony, a woman with dark secrets and passionate jealousies. As Spring Swallow's talent for embroidery grows more of the secrets of Aunt Peony are revealed, as are the personalities of the other 'sister' embroiderers. (I was fascinated by the treatise on the art and technique of embroidering that Mingmei Yip exposes us to throughout the book. The book deserves further reading to dip more solidly into the artistic way of this medium.) I really liked Spring Swallow...