...pickle lovers rejoice!

Asian Pickles: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Cured, and Fermented Preserves from Korea, Japan, China, India, and Beyond by Karen Solomon

I have collected several books that give recipes for Asian pickles.
Apart from the varieties of kim chi that I adore, one of my favourite pickles has always been Chinese lemon and lime pickles. I use the lemon pickle with a very tasty Charmaine Solomon   (who is my major go to resource and is listed in the bibliography) Sri Lankan Beef Smoore recipe. I have made those pickles and given them away as presents to people who appreciate such things, including my butcher who is constantly experimenting.

Karen Solomon's recipe is slightly different to the one I have used and I am interested in how it will turn out and how I like this different approach from the one I normally use. How will it taste? Roll on enough time for the steeping process.
What I like about this book is Solomon's commitment to using 'all the pots and pans in your cupboard', and no obscure ingredients if possible. In the rare case that this happens she has provided an online source.

If you look at her other works you see that she has published single books on pickles of all the areas listed in this offering. Certainly the photographs used in these past single issues have also been used in this latest book. It would seem this is a compilation of those other 4 books. I can't judge if there is new content added.

The list of pickles is exhaustive. Certainly a book for the aficionado or the rank beginner, or like me the in between.
A great addition to the kitchen! and a great little present for like minded friends.

A NetGalley ARC


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