Well presented and easily read

The New Colored Pencil: Create Luminous Works with Innovative Materials and Techniques by Kristy Ann Kutch

I like the layout of this book. I especially like  the richness of drawing examples scattered throughout. Those certainly added to its kerb appeal. The production is smart and information is easily accessed.
Kristy  Kutch is not only a proven shown artist she runs frequent workshops. Check out her website. As an artist and teacher she has produced a book that is an excellent resource for those unable to attend workshops to connect with the medium. I don't learn well by reading about things. I learn best by working alongside someone, the practical hands on approach over the theory. No book replaces that experience. However, if I wanted to refer back to a certain technique post a workshop, or extend my knowledge about a technique, this book is a useful tool.
As an aside, my preference for art books is always as the hard copy, rather than an eBook. I have The New Colored Pencil on my kindle to review, and yes it's readily accessible in this format but I do prefer the physical book. That however is very much a personal idiosyncrasy.
Comparing this with other books on the same topic? Whilst similar to others out there, the ideas are presented in the author's particular style with her leanings. A new slant on things is often rewarding.
After reading the flurry of comments surrounding this publication it is interesting to note that another author of such books mentioned in the comments as being worthwhile is listed in Kutch's 'Acknowledgement' section as a supporter and helper with this production. Two more of the authors mentioned as good examples in the field are listed in the Bibliography.
A rewarding production to browse through from time to time, or give as a present.

A NetGalley ARC


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