...game of Queens!

Heaven's Queen (Paradox #3) by Rachel Bach  

I really enjoyed this series. I loved the way Deviana Morris always sought options that did not neccesitate using others as tools. The evolution of Maat as a live and  in person figure, the plague of the phantoms and the mysteries of plasmex, even the involvement of Mabel and Commander Brian Caldswell were resolved at various levels. The lead up to saving the universe is honed with lots of scary action, threats of demise, fear for loved ones, alien mind games, bared honesty, and a closer look at the follow the rules 'eyes', those human symbionts, who are as it ensues, are hampered by their own rules and boundaries, their very real fears, and their loyalty without question expectations of each other.    
Along the way we renew acquaintances with a few old friends, and old enemies.
The fight against the phantoms reaches new heights. Maat, who wants freedom, even if that freedom is death, is constrained in new ways, imprisoned in the Dark Star Station at the urging of the Lelgis. Standing against the Lelgis, freeing Maat and communicating with the phantoms are all part and parcel of Devi's personal mission.
I certainly don't begrudge Devi a little love in her otherwise hectic 'take them down' for the glory of King and Country sort of life. Particularly as that love embodies the strength of purpose and wilfulness that is Devi, and the haunted ambiguity and strength that is Rupert.
I actually wonder as to whether Rupert Charkov and Devi can be satisfied with the life they've chosen in the end, but who knows?
In the end who can and can't see the phantoms remains moot, but I'm betting more than let on.
I'm still working through the levels of significance with the title Heaven's Queen,  as 'Queens' feature as outright autocratic leaders in more than one species. There are the Lelgis Queens, then Maat is the Queen who holds the phantoms in checkmate, and Devi gives the Lelgis back as good as they give, an equal in the game of queens. I must say that the question of Queens leaves the idea of Kings begging. For me there are mysteries attending the ending. I'm hoping some of my questions will be answered in a future novel.
Heaven's Queens is all that I had hoped for.

A NetGalley ARC


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