say no to fad diets!

Can I Have Chips?: fill up, lose weight, feel great by  Louise Graham

Is this book saying anything I didn't already know. No
So what's valuable or interesting about it?
1. The information is packaged in manageable bites. It easily accessible .
At the end of each chapter is a 3 or 4 bullet point key summary
2. You can see it as a refresher course if you will. To bring you back on track and focused
3. We become immune to the message reading the same book. Reading known information in a new package can be just the pick me up you need.
4. Several good reminders for me:                     
Dieting can trigger appetite 
Eating carbohydrates that are harder to digest you are less hungry. Included are interesting ratios to protein, fat and carbohydrates. (Chapter 8)

Sugar does comes in as the villain in the piece.
As Louise Graham says in the article, Sugar, Scapegoat or Villain? attached to her blog, []
'the best way to break your sugar dependency is to go cold turkey' and that her book 
Can I Have Chips? explains 'how to replace sugary processed foods with less fattening wholefoods.'
Further in the same article was a timely reminder to me at least,
'Don't feel tempted to replace sugar sweetened drinks with diet drinks. They perpetuate your taste for concentrated sugars when you are trying to lose the desire for so much sweetness. Start drinking water (that's the stuff that comes free out of the tap), not only will you break the grip of your sweet tooth but you lose some of your excess weight in the process.' 
[Huffington Post, UK (01/20/2014)]

The suggested menus make your planning easier, combining as they do the protein and recommended carbohydrates.
The recipes are included but again nothing new.
The real challenge is making the process work for you.
Readable and understandable.

A NetGalley ARC


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