of murder, spies and motor cars

Hardcastle's Traitors (A Hardcastle and Marriott Historical Mystery) by Graham Ison London, 1915 and New Year's Eve is being seen in by a Zeppelin air raid. For Divisional Detective Inspector Ernest Hardcastle of the Met. the New Year brings a robbery at a jewelry-cum-pawnbroker's, and a murder. Hardcastle is a bit of a stickler. In terms of type, Hardcastle is not as likeable as the perceptive Foyle, more aware of rank and what's due than Jack Frost, maybe a bit more like Oscar Blaketon of Heartbeat, or not. Really, there's very little personally endearing about the man, apart from his dedication to the chase, which sometimes is derailed or more often nailed by what DS Marriott calls, 'one of the guv'nor's flights of fancy.' Set in his ways and pedantic, he has strong opinions. Women shouldn't work, or vote, the advent of police cars is questionable, the telephone 'is a new fangled device that won't last long.' Hardcast...