'never give up hope'

Darius: Lord of Pleasures (Lonely Lords #1) by Grace Burrowes

I found the idea, the description of Darius as an object, quite painful. The way he closed himself off from his associations with bored wealthy women, who are a means to an end was distasteful. 
The premise of Darius Lindsey's relationship with Lady Vivian Longstreet is at once believable and yet thoroughly unbelievable.
As I read I became more understanding of the demons that drove Darius and thus more accepting. This in turn increased my enjoyment of the novel. 
Perhaps Burrowes' dedication says it all,
'This book is dedicated to anyone whoever made a poor choice and felt overwhelmed by the consequences. Maybe you can't overcome all those consequences today, but never give up hope.'
And there you have it hope and redemption are available and fortunately for Darius this becomes his reality.
In the end I was intrigued by Darius the person, but despite this, I am still somewhat ambivalent about Darius the novel, although I read it twice. Mmm!


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