Stubborn, honourable and fallible--that Crispin, endearing and true!

It's London 1836. Trudging home in the dank mist of a moonlit night Crispin Guest attempts to rescue a man he witnesses falling into the Thames. The man's death turns from an apparent suicide to murder. Once again The Tracker turns his keen eye towards solving the mystery. Friends from the past appear, Lancaster is abroad, Geoffrey Chaucer is involved and power struggles swirl as a special council is appointed by Parliament to investigate King Richard's expenditure.
Once again a relic is involved. This time it is 'The Spear of Longinus, the Holy Lance; the spear that pierced the side of our Lord...on the cross.' It was believed to make the user invincible.  As the Lord Abbot Nicolas says to Crispin, 'You have come to me...asking about this relic and that, ..Haven't you ever pondered why the Almighty has graced you with their care?'
And surely this is a question for us to ponder about Crispin beyond the measure of this tale. 
Another exciting, reflective tale of this knight turned investigator, always on the edge of poverty, and his endearing sidekick Jack. And of those friends who surround him in The Shambles, ever offering assistance and care.
A great read and as always I am enamoured of Crispin and have already preordered the next novel, Shadow of the Alchemist: A Medieval Noir.
As Crispin and Jack develop as characters it is a pleasure to follow their lives and their relations.


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