...1913 class consciousness and the rich and powerful

Summerset Abbey by T.J. Brown

With the death of their father, Rowena, Victoria and Prudence (who has been brought up with them as a sister) are taken by their uncle and aunt to Summererset Abbey. Prudence however is treated as a lady's maid much to the discomfort of Rowena and the horror of Victoria.  In one fell swoop life changed for all three.     
Their story held my interest. I felt puzzlement and some scorn for Rowena's way of dealing with the situation, and admiration for Victoria's misguided attempts.
This is really Prudence's story and one cannot help but feel angry for her at the injustices she experiences.
Unfortunately, the  ending seemed somewhat rushed after the thoughtful building up and introduction to all the key players. Indeed I was left me wondering just what sort of life Prudence  by way of the author had been rushed into.  I must admit that I'm left feeling a little short changed.  The quickness of Prudence's decision  (which probably adds to the drama in the rest of the series) took the story from 4 stars to 3.  And yes  I will have to read the rest of the series as it's 1913 and I'm sure all the political and social actions of the times will have consequences for the lives and situations of the various characters, and to the  series' final outcomes.

A NetGalley ARC


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