Rake redefined
Waking up with a rake by Connie Mason

At the beginning I stifled a 'ho hum' and thought, 'not another 'rake' story!' Fortunately I was pleasantly surprised.
The story of Olivia and Rhys has several twists and turns that add spice and dash to the happenings surrounding these two increasingly interesting characters. Olivia is not quite the shy, retiring wallflower first depicted and Rhys,the seemingly uncaring rake, hides a tortured past behind by his well honed facade.Murder and mayhem hide under the surface and thoughtless lust is overturned by innocence.
I gave it 4 stars on Amazon and 3 on LibraryThing.
Really I feel it's a 3 but an Amazon 3 is a barely ok and I think this was a bit more than that. Mind you, the various paths of the novel give an opportunity to develop more fully the lesser characters. That however is not what this novel was about.
A quick and quite enjoyable read.
A Netgalley ARC
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