An enticing quick read

Written with a lively panache and flair that reveals the wit and style of its author, this novel is a treat to read.
I just loved the characters of Louisa and Joseph.
They are a cut above the normal leading lord and lady.

Louisa is brimming with an intelligent sensitivity that’s accompanied by a wonderful sense of humor. Her often ungainly ways hide an astute mind and a heart ready for love.
Louisa however is a woman with secrets.
When we meet her Louisa is considering life as a spinster or failing that, settling for a husband who would want her for considerable dowry, convinced as she is about her unloveliness.
Will it be Lionel of the patchouli oil or the worm Grattlingly?
Joseph, the reluctant war hero is battle scarred and weary.
He is a man full of love and acceptance, a man who can quote poetry and appreciate the unusual. Joseph however is a man with secrets.
The story revolves around the peculiar courtship of these two and is a fun read. Both have big hearts. Both yearn for love. Both enjoy poetry. Both have their secrets.
Are their hearts big enough to handle each other's secrets with respect and integrity and forgiveness?
A joy filled and ultimately tender love story.

A NetGalley ARC


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