'the mist that had seemed a benevolent veil ... became a shroud, suffocating and dangerous.'

This early line sets the stage for the intricacies and complexities that follow in the captivating historical romance, The Price of Temptation by Lecia Cornwall.  That which is seemingly benevolent is malignant. Our heroine Lady Evelyn Renshawe is disgraced. She is an outcast in society through no actions of her own, but by those of her traitorous husband who has pretentions to the French courts and Napoleon’s friendship at a time when England and France are at war. Harassed on all sides, lady Evelyn contends with her society acquaintances’ disdain, her uncaring family waiting in the wings to dispose of her and her husband’s fortune, a despicable cad pretending friendship all the while seeking her wealth, and now the French wanting a flag, an important icon, stolen by her treacherous husband--as do the English! No wonder the hiring of Sam as a footman (in reality Captain Sinjon Rutherford who rescued her in the park), seems like a god send. Of course, Captain Rutherford has his own reasons for inserting himself into her household. Evelyn’s support until the advent of Sam has been elderly staff and one other friend whose husband it turns out is the King’s spymaster. The unraveling of the story surrounding this innocent woman, beleaguered on all sides, is a good let’s-get-away-from-it-all read. The storyline has nicely judged twists and turns, intrigues enough to take the book beyond the ordinary regency romance. Well read!
3 ½ stars!

A netgalley ARC


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