...what are they doing to us!
So I’m watching Forest Gump on TV and, in between, the Ads. And there’s an Ad just come on for fiber and the importance of fiber from grain products. (Just exactly what this book, Wheat Belly is talking about in terms of wheat and other whole grain products and belly fat)….and Oh Yes, it’s not just wheat we have to worry about!
But an eye opener of a detail I picked up on is the concept that today’s wheat is not what it was during our grandparent’s day due to several factors including gene modification. This central point of the way wheat has changed and how that change in turn affects our bodies is pretty compelling. What are the scientists and producers doing to us!!

If you’re a celiac this is beyond grim.
I must admit I have been toying prior to reading this book, about reducing or cutting out wheat, but the arguments in this book are clinchers.
On the other hand, can I really use zucchini strips instead of pasta when eating my Spag. Bol? According to this book not even rice noodles are safe.
Wheat Belly contains interesting meal plans if you want to change your diet, shopping lists, and other handy tidbits. The use of more protein fits in with my flirtation with the South Beach diet, and prior to that Atkins and you name it—a million other ways of eating.
Certainly this book makes a lot of sense. Particularly as one friend has avoided wheat for a number of years and swears that that has resulted in a flattened stomach and an absence of that bloated feeling. So if I may paraphrase, if you’ve ‘got that bloated feeling, Oh No, that bloated feeling,’ then this may be the book for you.
I am tempted to pursue the regime more diligently, but then I break all my New Year’s promises prior to the New Year. Here’s hoping though. I feel that even if I do half what is suggested my body will feel better for it.
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