… from Clandovey, Wales TO Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee!

Rock ‘n’ Rose by Suzan Holder ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Daisy’s quest is filled with missteps, adventure, and shining lights until the truth is revealed. I so enjoyed the idea of Daisy, with her grandmother Rose’s assistance, running a vintage clothes shop with the name ‘Blue Moon Vintage’. I was caught right there. I could live with Daisy searching for the truth about her grandfather, the hype around Elvis and Graceland, but after the initial whoha I ‘ALMOST’ lost interest. Then I honed in. Along with Daisy’s purchase of the cowboy boots “that felt as though she was destined to have them. The unusual rose pattern embossed into the leather would be a fitting tribute to her music-loving nana,” just as Daisy’s search to solve the mystery of her grandfather was a tribute. I was hooked! What a fabulous concept. Lost generational love! ❤️The search for the man who was that lost love, and all that follows. And let’s not forget the cop called Blue— Officer Joe Cody. A love st...