Love down-under: wartime Darwin in the 40's

Flight of the Jabiru by Elizabeth Haran Super briefly, this is the story of Lara Penrose sentenced to the far north of Australia on a trumped up charge by the English courts in 1941. She is to serve as a school teacher on a remote settlement near the mouth of the Mary River I was a tad conflicted about this novel. Haran has certainly done her research about the Top End and Darwin during the Japanese raids in WW2. Her word paintings of the astounding scenery and areas around the billabongs are brilliant, the crocodile threat is all too scary, and the 'stolen generation' representations are well crafted. Everything that is Australian in the Top End gets a mentiokn. Even 'transportation to the colonies' raises its head--which was over by now, so the whole legal pressure brought to bear on Lara Penrose, a feisty English miss and elementary school teacher, was obviously a powerful whitewash by those in a position to do so. I know that derogatory ter...