Dreams and desires

The Lady Meets Her Match (Midnight Meetings ) by Gina Conkle 1768 during the Georgian period. When a woman has a dream and wants to make an independent foray into the world of business all sorts of prejudices and people can be obstacles. When Claire Mayhew decides to take matters into her own hands life becomes very interesting for Cyrus Ryland, a wealthy merchant and businessman who strongly believes that women should be protected and that only men can and should prosper in commercial endeavours Stealing into a man's house to further your cause amidst masked revellers might seem like a good idea but the unveiling at the stroke of midnight causes all sorts of problems. With nothing left of an encounter with a mysterious woman but a leather shoe one can be forgiven for thinking the world of fantasy and reality have interlocked. Certainly this slightly different Cinderella story is a satisfying read littered as it is with romance and intrigue. A NetGalley ARC