'I know everything that happens in these mountains!' so said theMountain King at their first meeting

Heart of the Dragon’s Realm by Karalynn Lee Heart of the Dragon Realm is a love story. Not just any love story, it is about sensitivity and love, guided by freedom. It is the story of Princess Kimri and the Mountain King, Tathan. Kimri is given in marriage by her brother King Dereth to King Tathan, of the kingdom of Helmsmont, said to be protected by a Dragon. Her bride price is one hundred swords and ten thousand arrows. Swords that are necessary as part of the war effort against Kenasgate. Kimri 'is frankly amazed that she is considered worthy of such a price,' but as she says, 'it's one thing for the Mountain King to offer that price, but entirely another for her brother to accept it! ' However things don't go to plan. As Kimri often infers trouble comes to like her like a lodestone. Her escort party has barely left before they are attacked by Prince Herrol of Kenasgate looking to take Kimri captive. That opens up a whole new can of worms. Kimr...