I totally exclamation marked!! my way through this comedic tale!!๐

Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Absolutely hilarious story about a wedding photographer working in the family business with her mother and four incredibly volatile aunties. The aunties are fabulous!!! We all need aunties like these! Chan can’t make the break from her family. That ruined her love life—when she let the love of her life, Nathan, go. Take a murdered body, aunts involved in getting rid of it, a huge wedding on Santa Lucia Island off the coast of Southern California, missing presents and the return of the love of your life and you have a complex, totally over the top wonderful love story. I laughed all the way through—when I wasn’t cringing or inside yelling No-o-o-oh! Cautionary tale meets comedy of manners enroute to romance! A super read! A Berkley Group ARC via NetGalley