The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I’m conflicted about this story. I felt like I’d wandered into a secretive hidden world that exists between brutal reality and surface pretences. A supportive apothecary in the eighteenth century, hidden in the back alleyways of London, turned ‘serial killer!’ What drove the change? I loved the idea of the female apothecary line and the rules set forth to guide them. Only at some stage they moved from supporting women in their illnesses and health necessities by using various herb mixtures, creams and tinctures; to helping them get out from under the tyranny of husbands or others who use them badly. Unfortunately the apothecary finds herself at the mercy of one she assists. The code to never harm a female is broken. (I wonder, how far back did the line go really? Would these women have been accused of witchcraft once?) Whether in the past or today, the fact is they are assisting with murder. The apot...