Walk on the wild side!

Falling from His Grace (Gentlemen of Temptation #1) by Kristin Vayden What do you do when your father autocratically demands that you marry your best friend. Despite the fact that he is desperately in love with your friend. Liliah Durary, daughter the Duke of Chatterwood, is determined not to go quietly into the night. She makes the decision to kick up her heels, to maybe live life somewhat before being forced into a platonic marriage. Liliah, Meyer and Rebecca have determined that if all else fails, the marriage will be just that. The news of a secret club, where all wear a masquerade mask, identities hidden, appeals. Lilia worries at her male acquaintances until they let slip the club's location. And this is the part that I find hard to imagine, a fairly well sheltered maiden slipping off alone into the less salubrious parts of town in the dark of night to engage in what? All I can think is Danger, Danger, Danger! And in disguise, and alone, b...