Death, disorder and disappointments!

The Great Revolt: A mystery set in Medieval London (A Brother Athelstan Medieval Mystery #16) by Paul Doherty 'The Great Slaughter', that's how Athelstan refers to the Peasants Revolt of 1831. Wat Tyler, John Bull, the Upright men, the Earthworms, plots and counterplots, all are grist for the mill in this latest mystery that sets Athelstan's brain afire and heart pounding. Brother Athelstan has been called away from his flock at an untimely hour to Blackfriars Monastry to solve a murder. Athelstan fears for his parishioners of St Erconwald's. Many are deeply mired in the revolt and Athelstan wants to protect them. At Grefriars he finds a slain brother, Alberic, who has been investigating the possible canonization of Edward II, the current king's great grandfather. Secrets of this past are trespassers upon the plots of now. Aspects of the revolt Brother Athelstan describes recall scenes from Dantes Inferno or the pictures of Hironymous Bosch....