..the scents of murder foul, the craving mobs, and of fear, envelopes! Medieval Mystery at its best!

The Herald of Hell: A Brother Athelstan Novel of Medieval London (The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan #15) by Paul Doherty. In the midst of the violence and unrest of May 1381 London, just prior to the Peasant's Revolt, Brother Athelstan and Sir John Cranston, the Lord High Coroner of London must once again step carefully and solve a murder that has ties to plots of highly placed persons and the scrutiny of the Upright Men. A man of subterfuge, Amaury Whitfield, chancery clerk to Tribuault, Master of Secrets for John of Gaunt has seemingly committed suicide in a locked room in a Southwark brothel. The Golden Oliphant is a place where cravings can be satisfied--for a price. His erstwhile scrivener and comrade in nefarious dealings, Oliver Lebarge has almost simultaneously thrust himself into Athelstan's life by taking sanctuary in St Erconwald's. Althestan's upcoming investigation and inquest will lead back to Lebarge and beyond as he and Cranston unc...